Sunday, September 28, 2008


This week in class we made our own web site on Google. I'm not super excited about this tool. I think my blog and my UEN site are better for my needs so far, but I really like that we are getting a good survey of online tools. Who knows maybe a Google site is something I will want to use later and be so glad I was introduced to that tool. I'm amazed at how many things Google offers that I've never explored before.
I'm really looking forward to the digital story. A project like this is daunting at first; choosing a topic, writing a script, manipulating many variables to work smoothly together... So, like many things in my life I'm looking forward to the finished product, to the pride I'll feel when it's done and the growth I will have experienced.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


This week we did a lot that I was already familiar with and several things that are new to me. I already use gmail and love how it tracks conversations and displays my contacts on each screen.

I love Google Docs. To think that I've been looking at that link on my email page for ever and didn't know what I was missing. This is a great tool for collaboration in our classes now but could also be useful later when we want to collaborate with our team teachers.

I've been keeping a family blog since this summer and am excited about the idea of a classroom blog. I'm wondering about issues of privacy with a classroom blog. I wonder if a lot of parents will object to class pictures on a private blog.

I already have a my space account so at first I thought a face book account would be superfluous, but there were a lot of people in my contacts list who are on face book who are not on my space. I haven't found where you can blog on face book an that is something I like about my space. However, my space doesn't offer chat and I think this is a great way to make yourself available to parents. I think parents will hesitate to call or not find time. But if they are your face book friend and they are at the computer anyway they may be more likely to send a message or chat with you and that could be a big asset.