In Class this week we learned a little about Audacity. I'm excited about this software. For some time I've wondered how Students could record themselves at a station in the class room. I think having them answer assessment questions orally would be a good way to asses content knowledge. But an oral quiz given individually by the teacher is time consuming. If they could record themselves during a station this could give the teacher added insight into thier understanding. This could be a good pre-writing tool. Students could record themselves telling the story or giving free association ideas about a subject. This would be helpful because many children find it cumbersome to write all of their thoughts or to keep up with their thoughts with pencil and paper. The draw back to this idea is transcribing their recording. Maybe a parent volunteer. A CD of students stories in their own voice, poem recitations and songs would be a fabulous addition to their portfolio.
Our digital story is coming along nicely. We just need to record our narration and find some music we like then we are ready to plug it all in. I can't wait to get started on photo story.
Lie Pie and other Lessons
Most Sundays, growing up, we had a big Sunday dinner. After cleaning up
my parents would usually take a nap and the kids would do whatever it was
we did ...
11 years ago
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