Thursday, March 26, 2009

Shannon Hale

One of the exciting things about hosting the "Our favorite books we didn't write or publish" panel discussion was meeting Shannon Hale. I've loved her books since before I even thought to think about the person who created them. They are the kind of book I get lost in, and am totally at home in. Here are three of my favorites:

If you visit Shannon's website you can read about writing the stories, ideas for using her stories in the classroom, Shannon's blog, and a list of books she likes.

Where was I when my classmates took this photo? And why didn't I think to ask Shannon for a photo?
Shannon's new book which I can't wait to check out:

I've never met an author before and I'm so thrilled to own my first signed-by-the author book:

Coming up next: The books Shannon shared during the panel discussion.
Check out my guest post at:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

UVU Forum on Children's Literature

For Dr. Peterson's Language arts methods class we are required to do 20 service learning hours. One of the things we could choose to do was help with the Children's literature conference. My assignment was to coordinate the "Our Favorite books we didn't Write or Publish" panel discussion. I communicated with the panelists to get their three favorite children's books, created a power point presentation so the audience could see the covers of their choices, and moderated the discussion. This was a fabulous experience. I got to work with many fabulous students in the elementary education program, and meet authors, illustrators, educators, and an editor from New York.

When I graduate and have my own classroom I think I may want this blog to be geared to parents and students. With that in mind I plan on introducing you to the panalists and thier work, and spotlighting thier websites and blogs, and the books they talked about during the panel discussion. Eventually I'll have a side bar with links to author's and illustrators blogs and websites.

Coming up first: Shannon Hale!

10-2 B cohort makes ice cream

Jamie and Erica taught us about....something....diferent states of matter? And we made ice cream in ziplock bags, fun and yummy.

Sara, Dianna, Jenny

Patti, Mary, Caitlyn

Lorri, JJ

Heather, Hillary, Sarah

Gaylyn, Kayla

Dr. Tuft

Leslie, Doug

Ashlie, Allie, Emily

Allie, Emily, Michelle

Expository Writing

Wow! We are already in of field experience classrooms. The semester is so close to being over and I'm disapointed to find that I haven't kept up with the reflections I intended to do.

For our genre presentations my group did expository writing. We wanted to have some examples of student work to show. I asked steve if he would help me. He was at first reluctant, but he agreed and was soon enthusiastic. He made a true false flip book based on his recent science unit on erosion.