Thursday, March 26, 2009

Shannon Hale

One of the exciting things about hosting the "Our favorite books we didn't write or publish" panel discussion was meeting Shannon Hale. I've loved her books since before I even thought to think about the person who created them. They are the kind of book I get lost in, and am totally at home in. Here are three of my favorites:

If you visit Shannon's website you can read about writing the stories, ideas for using her stories in the classroom, Shannon's blog, and a list of books she likes.

Where was I when my classmates took this photo? And why didn't I think to ask Shannon for a photo?
Shannon's new book which I can't wait to check out:

I've never met an author before and I'm so thrilled to own my first signed-by-the author book:

Coming up next: The books Shannon shared during the panel discussion.

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