So we're back in class. We've been to all of our classes now and here are a few things about the first week:
Dr. Waite, ESL Methods- I've been waiting for this course since I was taking intro to education and exceptional students. I can't wait to know more strategies for helping students who speak a different language. I was hoping to have the same instructor that I had for foundations of multicultural education. I loved the way Dr. Patch let us hash things out among ourselves. He was always reluctant to tell us his personal opinion even though we knew he has strong beliefs. Dr. Wait is much more in your face and I've promised my self not to let that make me feel contentious. The thing I like most about Dr. Wait is how excited he is about his courses. When I had him for into and now for ESL methods he makes us feel like this course covers the most exciting material he's ever taught.
Donna Smith, PE- in the elementary school- Ever since we had art integration methods I've wanted to have more resources and ideas for helping children learn through movement. My favorite thing from the first chapter of the text is about helping children move more during their recesses.
Elaine Tuft, Math Methods- I'm a little nervous about teaching math, but also very excited. I'm looking forward to all of the things we're going to learn in this class. I hope I can be the kind of teacher that helps children be excited about and feel confidant doing math.
Nancy Peterson, Differentiation- It was so much fun to be back in Dr. Peterson's sphere. I bought the Morning Meeting Handbook this summer and couldn't put it down. I believe that fostering unity in the classroom and helping the children to build a community is at the core of being a successful teacher, and I want to soak up everything I can that will help me do that.
Ann Adamson, Classroom Management- "I'm Drat the rat and I wear a yellow hat. If you don't like the color you can change it like that (snap), Because I'm drat the rat...."
Stan Harward, Literacy II- I'm really excited for the professional study groups. Each group chose a book from the list and will read and discuss it over the course and present ideas from the book to the class. My group chose Revisiting the Reading Workshop.
Lie Pie and other Lessons
Most Sundays, growing up, we had a big Sunday dinner. After cleaning up
my parents would usually take a nap and the kids would do whatever it was
we did ...
11 years ago
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