Differentiation in Practice, pp. 1-14
Morning Meeting Packet
My favorite part of the Differentiation in Practice section was the hallmarks of differentiated curriculum. Many of the hallmarks are concepts we've been learning all through our courses: strong link between assessment and instruction, clarity about learning goals, using a variety of student groupings, and purposeful planning. I love how this section could be used by the teacher as a tool for self reflection or assessment.
Morning Meetings are one of the most exciting strategies I've learned about. As a parent I've become increasingly aware of the great importance of class unity, but I have been uncertain how to help students develop it. Last Friday I was able to visit the classroom of a friend who is an intern. I joined their Morning Meeting and was so impressed with the feeling when the students greeted each other by saying, "Welcome, Joseph." I love the idea that MM can set a happy tone for the day and get the children ready to learn. I like the idea of sharing and how it lets children practice showing interest in each other. I can see how it can guide them to caring about each other. I'm sold!
Lie Pie and other Lessons
Most Sundays, growing up, we had a big Sunday dinner. After cleaning up
my parents would usually take a nap and the kids would do whatever it was
we did ...
11 years ago
1 comment:
Nice job with both reading assignments. I appreciate seeing how you are connecting all of the things you're learning in classes with the content of this one. 4 points.
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